A Fun Way To Repurpose Excess Rug Pads
During rug installation, it’s a good idea to also consider using rug pads underneath them. They do a great job of not only making the rug feel softer, but they also have some sound absorbent properties that can make your home more comfortable. Homes that have wall to wall carpeting can particularly benefit from this. Rug pads can also increase the life of rugs, so are ideal when installing expensive rugs.
From time to time, you may find that the rug pads are more than you need. Rather than throwing them away, you can restore and repurpose your rugs for other uses including:
Making DIY Scratching Posts
If you own a cat, having a scratching post is a great way to reduce the chances of damaging the furniture. With excess rug pads, this is not difficult to do even if you are not proficient at DIY projects. All you need is a square plank of wood, some screws, a drill, a hot glue gun, scissors and a staple gun. The basic premise of making such a post is wrapping the rug pads around the post, after covering the post with some glue. Of course, this is after cutting the rug pads to size. The rug pads can then be fixed in place using screws and staples. You can use different materials to make the scratching pole more attractive to your cat as well.
Winterizing Your Home
You can use rug pads to reduce the effect of cold during winter. A good example of this is where you store your fireplace logs. These tend to get wet during the winter, making them difficult to light and produce a lot of smoke. You can use rug pads to insulate the location of the logs, so that they stay dry and warm.
The same logic can also be used for some rooms in the house, such as your basement. Since the floor of a basement tends to get very cold during winter, you can cover it using rug pads if you intend to use it regularly. All you need is some mounting tape, a ruler and scissors to cut the rug pads to size and then place them around the floor.
Cabinet and Drawer Lining
Rug pads can also be used to create linings for cabinets and drawers. This gives them an exclusive feel, and also makes it safer to store delicate items in them. A drawer in which you place jewelry, for example, would greatly benefit from rug pads since they eliminate the risk of scratching. The key to making this work is ensuring that you get the dimensions right, so that the pads don’t end up crumpling up.
These are just a few of the creative ways in which you can use extra rug pads; the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
When Should You Get Rug Repair Or Restoration?
After having your rug for so long, especially when there is a lot of traffic in the area where it is located, you would definitely have to check at some point whether or not your rug needs to be sent for repairs. While some people may not bother to repair spoilt rugs and choose to throw them away, other rugs may be very expensive or have sentimental value, or indeed be the perfect rug for the space, and should be preserved at all costs. In this case, you would want to know how to notice if your rug is indeed in need of rug repair services. Here are several points you can look out for to help you identify if it is time to be calling up a professional rug restoration company.
If The Pile Changes Texture
Flattening or stiffness are telltale signs that your rug is no longer the lush surface it used to be. The rug can still be restored, however, so don’t let go of it just yet.
If You Notice Dry Rot, Moth Damage, Or Holes
Textiles made of cellulose fibers such as jute, flax, or cotton, tend to be susceptible to dry rot. Dry rot can occur over time in the presence of moisture that is not dried out completely. When this happens, the fibers gradually become weaker and weaker, and the fibers are degraded to lose its integrity and quality. If you notice dry rot, moth damage or any other holes, call up a restoration service to help.
If The Fringe Is Loose Or Worn Out
The fringe of your rug, if it has any, may be loose or seem like it is coming off the rug itself. Try not to simply pull it off, as we can fix the fringe back on with additional support to make sure it stays in place.
If The Rug Binding Shows Signs Of Wear
If you look beneath the rug and notice the binding seems to be pulling apart, do not fret or throw it away! This issue is easily fixed by professionals, who will sew over the binding in the exact same pattern it was originally done, so that the restoration looks seamless.
If You Have Animals
Animals can be the best gift to us humans, but they can also bring trouble! Animals love to scratch rugs, chew them, or rub against them as they play, leaving worn spots or holes in the rug. Sending the rug for professional rug restoration can help you bring your beautiful back to life.
If Your Rug Doesn’t Fit Your New Space
Some people may not realize that you can get your rug modified to fit a new space. Say you are moving, and you need your rug to be smaller in size. Professionals can help you to cut your rug down to a size that is more suitable for your new space.
Tile Maintenance: Keeping Mildew At Bay
Part and parcel of living in a house with tile flooring is that you would have to clean your floors regularly if you want the floor to look good. But sweeping or mopping the floor is not enough when it comes to cleaning the grout in between the tiles, which over time would have collected packed layers of soil, dirt, and even mold and mildew, which can pose some health risks to your family. Few may know that grout is actually porous, and it tends to absorb all the dirt and debris that falls onto it. Hence, you need proper tile maintenance services to keep your tiles and grout clean and beautiful.
General Tile Cleaning
Most homeowners or main tenants would require a general tile cleaning of their floors, either a routine one after a cycle of a few years, or because they have to clean the tiles before handing over the keys to the landlord. A professional tile cleaning service from Reilly’s Oriental Rug Cleaning involves pre-treating the affected tiles to loosen up topical residue, contaminants, accumulated soil and grease, with family-safe products that do not produce any toxic fumes. Next, the tiles’ surface and grout lines will be agitated with special serrated bristles, followed by a splash-free, high-pressure hot water rinse to dislodge and wash away the dirt and grime. Finally, the tiles are subjected to a speedy drying process, a final inspection, and a layer of protective coating to prevent them from being easily stained in future. Not only is tile cleaning pleasing to the eye, it also kills mold and mildew flourishing in the grout, killing bacteria and germs that can be harmful to health, and making your home safer for your loved ones.
Water Damage Restoration
Perhaps water has seeped under your tiles and caused water damage. This can happen when water from a shower or bathtub leaks behind surfaces which have been improperly caulked, for example. If this happens, tiles may be loosened from behind and break or become damaged. More significantly though, mildew can grow behind the tile, potentially causing allergic reactions and health problems. It is therefore imperative to restore tiles that have been affected by water damage, and get rid of the mildew as soon as possible.
Long Lasting Prevention
Aside from the layer of protective coating which we will apply to your tiles upon a successful tile cleaning procedure, there is more that can be done to ensure your tiles stay clean and mildew-free for years to come. Depending on the needs of your situation, the grout may be sealed off to reduce the porosity of its surface and make it much harder for mildew to develop there. Another possibility is to recaulk your bathroom especially if there was water damage before, so as to prevent such a disaster from happening again. With a professional consultation, you can get recommendations as to what can and should be done to make your home clean and safe for this generation and the next.
Say NO to DIY rug cleaning!
The easiest way to spruce up a living room has always been the inclusion of an area rug. These rugs are generally very large, covering a significant amount of the floor surface in the living room, or even bedroom. And due to their size as well as quality, area rugs can be very expensive – which is why you don’t want to replace them, you want them to last for years. The best way to maintain the quality and longevity of your rug is to send it for cleaning, especially before dirt and mold cause the fibers to weaken and lead to irreparable damage. But should you do your own rug cleaning? Read on to find out why you should leave that to professionals.
They Are Very Valuable
Would anyone spend a lot of money on an area rug, only to destroy it by their own hands? Rugs can be very expensive, especially Oriental or high pile rugs, and some have value beyond just the monetary – they may be a souvenir from your travels, or given to you by your parents or grandparents. Some rugs are even considered works of art and family heirlooms, giving it a greater value than ever. As such, only the greatest care should be shown to cleaning and treating a soiled rug. Different rugs require different type of care, which a rug cleaning professional would be able to advise you on. With the right kind of attention, rugs can be saved from early deterioration, and last a lifetime or even more.
They Can Be Fragile
Many rugs, in particular Oriental or Persian rugs, are delicately handmade from natural materials. They would certainly not be able to survive a hard scrubbing as you might give your wall-to-wall carpet. Furthermore, they would not be able to withstand harsh chemicals, rough cleaning brushes, and inexperienced hands, which can do more harm than good to your precious decorative piece. Even if you have a carpet cleaning machine to use at home, do not use it on these types of delicate, fragile rugs, unless you are prepared to say goodbye to them forever.
They Are Made Of Special Fibers
Synthetic fibers are generally easy to clean, using a steam cleaner or home use carpet cleaning machine. However, some rugs are cut from a different cloth – rather, made from different materials. The complex natural fibers that many special rugs are made of, such as silk, wool, cotton or jute, would not stand up well against a harsh steam cleaning. Upon closer inspection you can see the natural tiny crevices and imperfections in the weave that make these rugs difficult to clean. No machine for these gems – you would need to send them for professional cleaning by hand.
Dirt May Be Compressed
If this rug has gone uncleaned for a while, chances are that with repeated footfall over your rug, any dirt that has been there would have been pressed down deeper and deeper into the rug with every step. Rugs are made differently from carpets in that they are thicker and have more fibers per square inch. Therefore, it is much more difficult to remove dirt from these thick fibers as compared to carpets.
Removing Grease Stains On Your Area Rugs
Area rugs cover a large amount of the floor, and it seems almost impossible that an area rug can go on for years without somebody accidentally spilling a plate of spaghetti and meatballs onto it. The worst rug stains possible would likely be grease stains, as the indelible lipid fats and oils penetrate deep into the rugs’ fibers, making them extremely difficult to remove. Of course, a serious grease stain on your area rug should be treated professionally as it is probably impossible for you to clean by hand, but if it is a small stain, it may be possible to treat it yourself for the time being, before you send it for its regular thorough overall cleaning treatment. Here are two ways you can try to clean your area rugs.
The Scrubbing + Dry Spotter Method
IMPORTANT: This method is not recommended for Oriental rugs or rugs made from natural fibers! Such rugs are delicate and would not hold up against scrubbing. You should not attempt to clean them by yourself; instead, you should call a professional cleaning company to ask what can be done.
For this method, you need a brush, a clean white cloth, and cornmeal. You would also need liquid dry cleaning solvent and coconut oil, as well as an absorbent pad.
First, blot the grease stain with the cloth to soak up as much as possible. Then, apply cornmeal to the stain, which should absorb most of the oils. With a stuff bristled brush, brush the stain out firmly, taking care not to damage your area rug.
If you can still see the grease, take a clean sponge and apply a special dry spotter. You can make this using 8 parts liquid dry cleaning solvent and 1 part coconut oil. Use an absorbent pad to cover the stain with more dry spotter. The pad should begin picking up the stain. If not, try the next method of removal.
The Wet Spotter Method
This method calls for a sponge, water, white vinegar, dishwashing detergent, and glycerine. You also need a bottle and an absorbent pad.
With a clean, wet sponge, pat the stain. Then put a few drops of white vinegar on it, along with a wet spotter. You can make this using one part dishwashing detergent, 8 parts water, and 1 part glycerine, shaken well and stored in a plastic bottle. Pour a significant quantity of the wet spotter onto a clean, absorbent pad, placing the pad directly on the grease stain. You may need to replace the pad with a new one soaked in wet spotter as the grease stain is slowly absorbed. Repeat the process as many times as necessary in order to clean the grease stain. The downside of this method is that your rug may take on the strong smell of vinegar, but if it works it may be worth it, and you can try to air out the rug later on.
How To Deal With Water Damage On Your Carpet
Almost anybody who owns a carpet would have had some kind of experience with carpet water damage. Whether it’s a leak from an air-conditioning unit or an unfortunate incidence of flooding, your carpets may have suffered water damage in the past. A crucial factor in salvaging carpets from water damage is how quickly the carpet is able to be dried. The longer you wait to dry the carpet, or indeed the longer it takes for someone to realize there is water soaking the carpet, the higher chance there is for the carpet to become permanently affected by water damage. Though the best way to fix a serious case of water damage is to call in a professional carpet cleaning company, there are steps you can take at home as preliminary steps to minimize the problem.
Step One
The first thing you must do is to is to remove the water from the carpet. A waterlogged carpet would promote a higher chance of bacteria, mold, and mildew growth. If the waterlogged carpet is located in the basement, the risk of such microbes in the water is double due to natural higher humidity levels deeper underground. Removing the water will immediately help minimize physical damage to the carpets.
Step Two
Remove items affected by pooling water, and check for mold growing on them. Search for possible hidden areas of water saturation, especially within walls, where mold may be growing. Make sure that you have chased down every last corner that might potentially have absorbed any water. Keep a special eye out for any wooden surfaces or items, or anything else that may absorb water such as fabrics, or even porous substances like brick walls and mortar between joints.
Step Three
Sanitize the items that were affected by water, including all surfaces and upholstery if they were also affected. Deodorize everything that has smells, as bad smells tend to be indicative of bacteria and pathogens that can foster, and cause illness in people.
At this point, you should decide if you need to throw away your carpet or not. If you find that the carpet is too badly damaged to be salvaged, there is no point trying to sanitize it. Generally speaking, if the water was clean, it would be fine to keep the carpet; if it was sewage water or contained toxic chemicals, however, it’s likely time to replace your rug. If you need a second opinion as to whether or not your carpet is salvageable, you can speak to a professional carpet cleaner and restorer.
Step Four
If you are keeping the carpet, you will need to dry it properly. Hang it up in a windy place, or use a vacuum device or high powered fans. The less time it takes to dry the carpet, the less time mold has to grow.
Step Five
Once dried, steam clean the carpet so as to fully sanitize it and kill the germs. This is also a good time to check if the carpet needs any repair or restoration work, such as replacing the padding underneath the carpet, which would be likely cheaper than replacing the carpet.
How Do You Spot Mold On Your Carpets?
Mold can cause allergic reactions and cause children and adults alike to fall ill. For that reason, you never want to have mold growing in your own home, where your family spends a good portion of their time. But sometimes, we are simply unaware of the presence of mold. One prime location for mold to grow is your floor and area carpets. Carpets, whether made of natural or inorganic materials, are highly susceptible to mold. They can sometimes be hard to spot as well, as they may appear underneath the carpet, or within the carpet fibers. Once mold appears in a carpet, it can spread surprisingly fast throughout the entire carpet, hence it is urgent that you treat mold spots right away. Here are our tips for how you can spot mold on your carpets.
Musty Smell
One of the easiest ways to notice that there is mold on your carpets is if you detect a faint musty smell. The smell might become unnoticeable if you have been in your home or workplace for a long time, but upon entering it should be detectable, especially if someone new enters the room. For reference, it might smell like a basement, or the cupboard below your sink. If you or a visitor notices this smell, it is time to have the carpet checked for mold.
Damp Areas
There is nothing that encourages mold to grow faster than the presence of water. A leak in the floor or ceiling, or dripping from your air-conditioning unit, or even spills on the carpet, can all cause mold to grow rampantly if untreated. Do not let wet patches and damp areas go uncared for – they must be cleaned and dried as soon as possible so that mold does not get a chance to grow. If you discover that your carpet has been damp for a long time, perhaps weeks or even months, the carpet definitely needs water damage restoration services.
While a change in the color of your carpet should be the most obvious telltale sign that there is mold growing on it, it might in fact be hard to spot unless you go looking. That is because generally, discoloration tends to happen underneath the carpet, before affecting the pile or fibers on the upper surface. Look beneath your carpet to see if you can spot greenish or blackish dots or worse, patches in your carpet base, where it would need to go through a thorough cleaning process.
Age Of Carpet
Carpets that have been around for some time will tend to be prone to molding, like it or not. Some carpets are old enough that so much mold has grown on it, it may be better to just throw it away. However, if the mold growth is not too bad, it can still be salvaged.
Allergic Reactions
If you or someone else starts sneezing, having a runny nose, or develops other symptoms of falling ill due to being in the space where the carpet is, you must get your carpet cleaned immediately. Mold can be dangerous for people with asthma or bronchitis.
Don’t Delay Water Damage Repair!
Have you encountered flooding in your home? There are several reasons why a home may be facing water damages. A burst pipe behind the kitchen cabinets, or the bathroom, possibly, could cause water damage in the tiles and grout in the bathroom, or in the ceiling if there were pipes there. It might be a dramatic flood due to heavy rains or other natural causes, sending water all through the house and causing serious damage to rooftops, walls, all the furniture in the house and more.
Or, it might even be something as simple and yet so dangerous as a leaky pipe that kept dripping and dripping unnoticed for months, because over time, mold and mildew would have certainly had the chance to grow, possibly causing health problems to your loved ones in the house. There are many reasons why you might encounter water damage, and equally as many reasons why you should address it as soon as you can.
Prevent The Damage From Spreading
If you see a water leak, say from a pipe or air-conditioning vent, don’t ignore it. It would only make the problem worse. Any leak, even the smallest one, is already a clear indication of a broken or disconnected pipe. If the leak is not so obvious, there are other signs to look out for, such as discoloration of tiles indicating water damage beneath the surface, or even hollow spots behind tiles due to improper construction work where water is set to pool.
These kinds of deteriorating or missing caulking and grout is a gateway for water to seep beneath the tiles, eventually loosening tiles over time, and by that stage you would have to replace the tile, or worse, an entire section of flooring, which can be extremely inconvenient and expensive.
Prevent Existing Damage From Worsening
If your carpet or furniture have been damaged by water, don’t take your time to get them dried and sanitized. The longer these waterlogged items are sitting around, the higher chance it has of growing mold and mildew very quickly. If there is a strong presence of mold and mildew in a room, it can cause health problems in people, and cause them to fall ill.
To prevent this, get your waterlogged or flood damaged items dried and sanitized immediately. If it seems too daunting a task to handle by yourself, you can call in a professional company able to treat items damaged by water.
Replace Damaged Items
For items truly damaged by water, it may be time to let them go. However, for carpets and rugs, you may yet have a chance of salvaging them. When a carpet or rug is damaged by water, the damage is actually usually to the padding, not the fibers themselves, as the water normally just passes through. Sometimes you will lift the carpet or rug up to see black or greenish spots on the bottom, or even patches. That is when you know you should either throw the rug away, or send it for professional rug padding replacement to prolong the lifespan of your beautiful rug.
What Makes Wall-To-Wall Carpeting A Good Option?
Carpets are an easy way to add a bit of flair to your home’s décor. Wall-to-wall carpets in particular have made a huge comeback lately, with beautiful new designs being released regularly. This mode of carpeting has a number of benefits to it, including giving a room a warm and cozy feeling, as well as providing the perfect ground for babies who have just started crawling or walking. Below are a few reasons why wall-to-wall carpeting is the better flooring option.
Makes the Room Look Bigger
Wall-to-wall carpeting gives a room the illusion of being bigger than it actually is. This is always a good thing if you have a small room but want to make it appear larger. Wall-to-wall carpeting accompanied by proper home décor and the right furniture arrangement will enable you to effectively maximize your space.
Easy to Maintain
Due to advancements in technology, carpet stain removal has become an easy task. In case you want to clean your carpet, you can do it yourself by following a simple vacuuming technique. Alternatively, you can hire the services of professional carpet cleaners who will remove even the toughest stains and make your carpet look new again.
Great Insulation Properties
Having a carpet can help lower your energy bill as well. This is because a wall-to-wall carpet acts as an insulator against heat or cold. During the cold season, carpets hold warmth and keep the room at a favorable temperature. Therefore, you will not have to resort to other costly ways to keep warm.
Installing a wall-to-wall carpet is cheaper compared to other flooring options like hardwood floors and tiles. This is because the carpet installation process requires less labor and there are many budget friendly options to choose from. In addition, carpet repair is often cheaper and faster compared to replacing tiles and hardwood floors.
Wall-to-wall carpeting offers a decent level of cushioning when one falls or slips. This type of carpeting is ideal for families with children or elderly individuals who are too weak to move properly and may be susceptible to falls and injuries. All in all, carpets minimize injuries that would otherwise be serious if they occurred on hardwood floors.
Sound Reduction
It is a requirement in many buildings that the tenants have wall-to-wall carpets in their apartments instead of hardwood floors. This is because carpets reduce the noise coming from different audio systems, as well as foot traffic in each house. Carpets with a good pad help reduce noise from foot traffic and the surrounding environment by absorbing the vibrations and preventing sound from being transmitted to the rooms below or above.
Covers Damaged Floors
Wall-to-wall carpeting is the best method of covering damaged floors and any other minor flooring issues like holes and cracks. Carpets needed for covering up these damages need to be thicker and fuller in order to hide the blemishes in a subtle manner.
What Are The Best Types Of Rug Pads For Hardwood Flooring?
If you have hardwood flooring, it is important to add rug padding to help protect your flooring. Pads are essential after the installation of an area rug to help them remain in good condition for a long time while protecting the flooring at the same time. To maximize one’s rug pads, a property owner has to be careful which type of pad he or she chooses.
Not all types of rug pads can be used on a hardwood floor. Certain pads are known to smudge the finishing of the flooring. In order to know which pads are the best for hardwood floors, we will take a look at the different types of rug pads that are available in the market today.
Recommended Types of Rug Pads
- 100% Felt Pads: These pads provide excellent cushioning for rugs. Felt pads do not have the grip of rubber and they are known to work best on larger rugs, which would provide extra anchorage for the pads. The material used often offers the best underfoot comfort as they are of high density. Another great quality of felt pads is that they are made from recycled materials, and so they serve as an eco-friendly option.
- 100% Natural Rubber: These pads are made from rubber tree sap. They offer excellent grip to the flooring surface. They are a safer alternative to petro-based PVC and help to improve indoor air quality as well.
- Felt/Rubber Hybrid Pad: These pads offer qualities from both rubber and felt pads. This means that they provide excellent cushioning under rugs and also have the gripping attributes of rubber.
Options that Need to be Re-Considered
- Synthetic Latex: These pads are available at a low-price range, but they are best suited for short-term use. They are created from latex, which is blended with clay filters. When left on a hardwood floor for a long time, the clay dries out and leaves behind a pile of rubber flakes.
- Polyvinyl-based (PVC): These pads are significantly more affordable and they are known to react with polyurethane finishes. If left on the floor for a long time, they can permanently discolor the floor. They are not recommended because most of them contain PVC composition, which is not analyzed for VOC emissions or non-toxic content.
The reality is that most pads in the market today are made from volatile organic compounds. If these types of pads are left under a rug for too long, they tend to leave residues behind and may cause permanent damage to the floor. It is important to select a quality rug pad to prevent potential rug problems in the future. Reasons for investing in a quality rug pad include:
- Protection: A pad is designed to protect the surface of the floor from area rugs. Pads help to prevent any dye-transfer from the rug to the floor. Some rugs have an abrasive backing material that can damage the floor’s finishing if left unchecked.
- Safety: Pads help to hold rags in place and prevent them from slipping.
- Comfort: Adding a pad increases the cushioning of the rug giving a comfortable underfoot feel.
- Rug preservation: Pads keep rugs stationary and flat and this prevents the rug’s fibers from being compressed or flattened.